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Make the most of the season by following these simple guidelines

websitebuilder • September 20, 2020

The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.

Make a list

Lists are great ways to stay on track. Write down some big things you want to accomplish and some smaller things, too.

Check the list regularly

Don’t forget to check in and see how you’re doing. Just because you don’t achieve the big goals right away doesn’t mean you’re not making progress.

Reward yourself

When you succeed in achieving a goal, be it a big one or a small one, make sure to pat yourself on the back.

Think positively

Positive thinking is a major factor in success. So instead of mulling over things that didn’t go quite right, remind yourself of things that did.

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 ***** My Valid Data Monitor **** XML OUT *** HTML EMAIL DELIVERY  *****IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tCustomerID') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tCustomerID    select distinct         mm.CustomerID  Into #tCustomerID    from myDatabase..myTable (nolock) mm     left join myDatabase.dbo.myOtherTable (nolock) mo  on mm.refID =     left join myDatabase.dbo.myOtherTableDetail (nolock) mod  on = mod.myOtherTableid         and mm.SearchValue = mod.SearchValue     where mm.refID is not null     and mm.quantity is not null      and mod.SearchValue is nullIF Exists (Select 1 From #tCustomerID)BEGIN DECLARE @xml NVARCHAR(MAX)DECLARE @body NVARCHAR(MAX)SET @xml = CAST(( SELECT [CustomerID] AS 'td' FROM #tCustomerID ORDER BY CustomerID FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))SET @body ='

My Valid Data Monitor

'    SET @body = @body + @xml +'
'--SELECT @body  exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail  @profile_name  = 'dbmailProfile' ,@recipients    = '' ,@subject       = 'My Valid Data Monitor' ,@body          = @body ,@body_format   = 'HTML'END
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Turn Up! Not every microphone has the same base volume for transmitting your voice through your computer to whoever or whatever is on the other end of the exchange. Some microphones have a higher volume as compared to others, and some microphones have a volume that is so low that the person on the other […] The post How to Turn Up Mic Volume in Windows 10 – appeared first on TekPreacher.
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--UNIQUE AND RANDOM TRANSACTION NAMES (FOR HIGH VOLUME TRANSACTIONS PER SECOND)DECLARE @randomString VARCHAR(255) = CONVERT(varchar(255), NEWID());SELECT @randomString = replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 120),':',''),'-',''),' ','') + RIGHT(@randomString,10);PRINT ''+ CONVERT(VARCHAR,LEN(@randomString)) + ' CHARS / OF MAXIMUM 32 CHARS FOR LENGTH OF TRANSACTION NAMES'SELECT @randomStringBEGIN TRANSACTION  @randomStringSELECT replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 120),':',''),'-',''),' ','');SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR,getdate(),112) + LEFT(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR,getdate(),114),':',''),6);SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(33),SYSDATETIMEOFFSET(),126), 1, 8), '-', '') + SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(33), SYSDATETIMEOFFSET(), 126),'T',''),'.',''),':',''),9,DATALENGTH(CONVERT(VARCHAR(33), SYSDATETIMEOFFSET(), 126)))COMMIT TRANSACTION  @randomStringOUTPUT-- 24 CHARS / OF MAXIMUM 32 CHARS FOR LENGTH OF TRANSACTION NAMES-- 202005141039592610925CAA  <- THIS IS THE ONE-- 20200514103959-- 20200514103959-- 202005141039598866412-0500
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