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SQL SERVER DDL Job Configuration

E.DIN Editor • April 22, 2020
DDL_Daily_Report is a job with 2 steps
Step 1: Run
EXEC [MaintenanceDB].[dbo].[spDDLLog_Info_Email]
Step 2: Failure
declare @Job_ID uniqueidentifier;
select @Job_ID = job_id from msdb..sysjobs where job_id = $(ESCAPE_NONE(JOBID));
exec usp_GetJobFailureData_Main @Job_ID, '', '', 'HTML'

EXEC myDatabase.dbo.ProcessingSwitchJob
  DECLARE @ ErrorMessage varchar(max) = = 'Exception occurred in proc myDatabase.dbo.ProcessingSwitchJob. Exception detail: '

  SELECT @ ErrorMessage = @ ErrorMessage + ''+ ERROR_MESSAGE() + '';

  EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
  @subject='Processing Switch Exception',
  @body=@ ErrorMessage ,

Declare @ErrorMessage varchar(500);

  exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
  ,@subject='ERROR PROD01 job: Processing Load Step 2 Switch Fail'
  ,@body='Scheduled Processing Load !  Please check system.'
  SELECT @ErrorMessage=ERROR_MESSAGE() ;
  RAISERROR( @ErrorMessage,16,1 );
SPECIAL NOTES: Please set the following appropriately so that the job logs the error and then continues to the next step.
on job success, goto next step
on job failure, goto next step
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 ***** My Valid Data Monitor **** XML OUT *** HTML EMAIL DELIVERY  *****IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tCustomerID') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tCustomerID    select distinct         mm.CustomerID  Into #tCustomerID    from myDatabase..myTable (nolock) mm     left join myDatabase.dbo.myOtherTable (nolock) mo  on mm.refID =     left join myDatabase.dbo.myOtherTableDetail (nolock) mod  on = mod.myOtherTableid         and mm.SearchValue = mod.SearchValue     where mm.refID is not null     and mm.quantity is not null      and mod.SearchValue is nullIF Exists (Select 1 From #tCustomerID)BEGIN DECLARE @xml NVARCHAR(MAX)DECLARE @body NVARCHAR(MAX)SET @xml = CAST(( SELECT [CustomerID] AS 'td' FROM #tCustomerID ORDER BY CustomerID FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))SET @body ='

My Valid Data Monitor

'    SET @body = @body + @xml +'
'--SELECT @body  exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail  @profile_name  = 'dbmailProfile' ,@recipients    = '' ,@subject       = 'My Valid Data Monitor' ,@body          = @body ,@body_format   = 'HTML'END
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